The Biggest Improvements in Snow and Ice Control

December 14, 2021 | Emma Tyborski

Snow Plow News talked with Mark Rasevic from Rasevic Snow Services, about what improvements he has seen in the snow and ice industry over the last 25 years.


One of the single biggest improvements that has occurred on the snow removal side, has been the maximization of heavy equipment use on large parking lot areas with snow boxes and snow pushers. Snow boxes and snow pushers can clean a larger area than a normal snow plow, leading to less time cleaning and giving contractors time to accomplish more snow jobs.


Another big improvement with snow removal is mechanized snow equipment for sidewalks, brooms in particular. This type of equipment removes snow very efficiently, producing a much cleaner area that lasts longer.


One of the latest improvements has been liquid brine applications in terms of anti-icing. Liquid brine use in treating sidewalks and parking lots before an event has cut down on waste where as opposed to using granular material. Liquid brine is cleaner and gives contractors a step up when starting the snow removal because the snow takes longer to accumulate.

Check out our recent article about salt brine to learn more.

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