Will Fries from Xtreme Fabrication reviewed the brand-new SnowDogg “High-Speed” Expressway Municipal Snow Plow for us. Xtreme Fabrication is both a large snow plow dealer in Maryland, selling plows from several different manufacturers, as well as a snow removal contractor. They use the plows they sell.

Buyers products set Will up with the new High-Speed Expressway plow which he mounted on an Oshkosh Plow Truck. Will was impressed with the results.
It is a full trip plow with a carbon steel blade, 7 ga. mold board, and ½” reinforcing ribs.

At 15 miles an hour, he was throwing snow over highway guardrails. At about 35 mph, he was watching a 20’ rooster tail of snow coming off the side of the plow. The curvature of the plow allowed for great rolling and throwing action. The curve of the plow also allowed him to plow without a deflector, and Will did not have any issues with snow getting tossed onto the windshield.
Is the plow durable? Will shared that his team had a little “incident” where the plow hit railroad tracks at 25 mph. The plow itself didn’t show any signs of damage. The only trouble he could find was a little damage to the pins linking the plow to the truck. The noticeable lack of damage is rather impressive.

These new highway plows come with powder coat paint or in a 304 Stainless Steel option. You can also get lighted plow markers for better visibility of where the end of your plow sits. For those that need the extra attention, you can also get the optional strobe kit to go along with your plow.
You can learn more about the Buyers Products SnowDogg Expressway Municpal Plow here.