How does Multihog keep operators happy? Snow Plow News talks with James Nicholson with Multihog about what new improvements they have made to their machines, keeping in mind the operators comfort.
June 13, 2023 | Emma Tyborski
Multihog is a must-have tractor manufacturer used by the world’s busiest airports, local authorities & contractors. Multihog manufactures and distributes a range of multi-purpose equipment that can be use 365 days a year for many applications.
In the last year, Multihog has released to market, two second generation machines, the second generation MX and CX. Both of these units come with improvements to enhance the operators comfort. These machines now come with a new and improved armrest for the operator. The new armrest allows the operator to control the machine much easier and the operators position is much better.

Visibility in the second generation machines is much improved, along with the size of the cab. Multihog made the cabs much larger for comfort and also improved the AC and heating components inside the cab. Multihog strives to keep the machine operators happy and these enhancements do just that.

To learn more about Multihog machines, visit