Rain, Rain, Go Away
Save it for rainy day, right? Mills Insurance wants you to take advantage of the rainy days and get a jump start. Anything can happen on the worst of days out on the road, so why not do the work ahead of time and prepare?
Take Your Photos
When your equipment starts coming in, but sure to take pictures right away. Make sure the values are accurate and send to your insurance company. You don’t want to get caught up in inaccurate values. Take care of it sooner rather than later so you are all set.
Inspect Your Sites
Please inspect your sites! If you scope out your sites in the pre-season, you will have a major advantage come winter. You will see the water flowing into the drain, water coming off the roof or down the down spouts and water flow. You will see the site from a whole new perspective and be able to identify dips in the pavement or other areas of concern.
Take Advantage of Pre-Season
Why would you want to sit back and guess when the season rolls around? The answer is you don’t. Anything can happen, but with the right knowledge, you will be able to tackle and issues head on come winter. Take advantage of that rainy day instead of sitting around waiting for winter. You will thank us later.